March 2018 Meeting

The Nittany Valley Woodturners March meeting will be held Thursday, March 1, 7-9 pm at the Mount Nittany Middle School, 656 Brandywine Dr., State College, PA.  (park in the rear of school second driveway, look for dumpster).

The meeting this month will be an informal group discussion on finishing.  Members and anyone interested in woodturning are encouraged to bring to the meeting whatever products they use for finishing such as varnishes, oils, waxes, abrasives, etc., along with any finished pieces that show the final finish.  Most turners develop their preferred technique so it will be interesting and informative for all.

We are also asking that individuals bring to the meeting any pieces that are giving them problems or a particular challenge.  This will allow for the group to discuss and recommend possible new approaches or technique.

We will also have the usual Show and Tell and Wood Auction.

We look forward to an enjoyable evening with a more informal meeting format that will allow for greater group interaction and sharing.  For those who are just getting started this will be a great time to bring questions to learn more about woodturning.

Nittany Valley Woodturners is a chapter of the American Association of Woodturners.  We are always looking for new members who have an interest in woodturning.  We hope to see you on March 1.

Nittany Valley Woodturners Guild

Adult Introduction to Woodturning Course

When:  Saturdays starting on March 3, 2018 09:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
Where:  Camp Krislund, 189 Krislund Drive, Madisonburg, PA 16852

Class Content:
Class 1     Safe lathe operations, mounting blanks on the lathe, use of roughing gouge, parting tool, and spindle gouge, Beads and Coves, Honey Dipper
Class 2     Snow man, ice cream cone
Class 3     Ball point pens, carving mallet/potato masher
Class 4     Planting dibble, captive ring rattle
Class 5     3-leg Stool  design legs, rough spindle blanks for each leg, form tenons on each leg to fit into the seat, turn 3 legs, use wedges and glue to fix legs to the seat

Cost:  $100 per student ($10 discount for NVWT members, $10 discount for AAW members)

Important Dates:
Sign up for class deadline is Wednesday February 28  (NVWT have priority until Thurday February 15)
Payment due Thursday March 1 (Club Meeting)

Sign up below:

    February 2018 Meeting

    Club’s February Meeting was on Thursday, Feb 1, 2018, 7:00-9:00 PM at the Mount Nittany Middle School wood shop.

    Jim Finley, NVW expert turner with 40 yrs of turning experience, demonstrated the basics of turning a bowl. This demonstration covered several approaches for mounting and roughing a bowl blank. How to turn a bowl using a scroll chuck and its influence on bowl design. Shaping and “hollowing” the bowl which involves choosing tools, controlling cuts, and refining the form. Experienced as well as beginning turners had the opportunity to watch a pro at work, ask questions, and have fellowship with the men and women members of the Nittany Valley Woodturners.


    January 2018 Meeting

    Club’s January Meeting was on Thursday, Jan 4, 2018, 7:00-9:00 PM.  Mount Nittany Middle School wood shop.

    Presentation: Mike Lebo, shared his expertise in turning boxes. Learn his techniques for producing a variety of small round boxes.

    Grizzly Lathe Move

    The cub’s old Grizzly lathe was moved from Ken’s damp shed to Mike’s dry basement, where he will restore it back to working order. Thanks Mike, Ken, Mark, & Paul for being the muscle to move it.

    December 2017 Meeting

    Club’s December Meeting was Thursday, Dec 7, 2017, 7:00-9:00 PM.  Mount Nittany Middle School wood shop.

    Presentation: Ken Vasko, NVW member, demonstrated Turning a Circuit Board Pen.

    NVW provided Holiday refreshments and raffling gift certificates from Craft Supplies and Carter and Sons Toolworks.  We also had the usual show and tell and wood auction. 


    President’s Corner – December 5, 2016

    Welcome to the Nittany Valley Woodturners web site!  We are group of people interested in the hobby of turning wood on a lathe to produce both functional and artistic objects.  Our membership has a very wide ranging level of experience in wood turning, from those of us who have just barely started to learn about the hobby, to those who have been turning wood for over 30 years.  The main purpose of our club is to encourage people to explore the possibilities of wood turning in a completely safe manner.  We emphasize the use of safety equipment (eye protection, face protection) and safe procedures (no loose clothing, sharp tools, turning off the lathe when making even the smallest adjustments, proper use of chisels and gouges, avoid reaching over the body of the lathe).  We exchange information about new turning techniques, new tools and equipment, and new things that can be produced on the lathe.

    Our club has about 35 members and at a typical monthly meeting we will have 20-30 members in attendance.  Our meetings are usually held on the first Thursday of the month at the Mount Nittany Middle School wood shop, 656 Brandywine Dr., in State College.  Weather and the school district calendar can cause us to reschedule our meetings to the second Thursday of the month.  Our meetings run from 7:00 to 9:00 PM.  For the first 20-30 minutes we conduct typical club business and then the rest of the meeting is devoted to a specific demonstration or participation program, often with an opportunity for members to get hands-on participation in the program.  Recent program topics have included sharpening tools, turning spheres, use of carbide tools, turning Christmas ornaments, turning pens for local charities, wood sculptures, hollow forms, and turning pepper mills.  We also hold a “show-and-tell” each meeting for members to display their latest work, and a wood auction of wood blanks donated by the club members to raise funds for the club’s purchases of supplies and equipment.  We welcome to our meetings anyone interested in wood turning, any age, and any level of experience.  Our members are more than happy to exchange with your any knowledge they have.  Come as often as you like to decide if wood turning is or is not something you want to pursue.   

    Our club sponsors two wood turning courses held at the SCASD Wood Shop under their Community Education Program.  The winter Adult Introduction to Wood Turning course is held from February to April for 8 weeks, on class each Wednesday evening from 7:00 to 9:00 PM.  The summer course is an Introduction to Wood Turning for middle school students, held in late July for one week, 9:00-Noon each day.  If you are interested in these courses, the course listing is at .   These courses are conducted on equipment (lathes and chisels) that the club owns and instruction is provided by club members, often in a one-on-one student to teacher environment.  The course teach basic spindle turning and students will be turning a variety of items, such as bottle stoppers, honey dippers, pens, spinning tops, and stool legs.  Students are encouraged to take home the items they turned in class so they can show off their work.  Many of our new members joined the club after taking these courses.

    The Nittany Valley Woodturners has a demonstration booth at the Boalsburg People’s Choice Art Festival.  Our members volunteer to turn items during the festival, allowing visitors to see some lovely pieces created and to see how some pieces change during the turning process to account for voids and defects in the wood.  Some of our members had their first introduction to woodturning, watching us at the Art Festival, so come by our booth and check us out.

    Thank you for your interest in Nittany Valley Woodturners, a member Chapter of the American Association of Woodturners (AAW)