December 2018 Meeting

Our December meeting will feature a presentation by club member, Ken Vasko, on Turning Christmas Ornaments.  Ken will demonstrate his technique on a few popular themes that everyone can enjoy on their own lathes.

Join us on December 6, 2018, 7-9 pm at the Mt. Nittany Middle School wood shop, 656 Brandywine Dr., State College.

We will also be having our usual Show & Tell so please bring any items that you want to share.  The club is always available to help with any challenges that you may be having in addition to enjoying the masterpieces.  We will have a few special items to raffle off for the wood auction so bring some extra cash or check book with you.  Also, the $25 annual dues are due this month or next.  Cash or checks will be accepted at the meeting.  Thanks to those who have already paid.

JoAnne Westerhaus will be providing Holiday refreshments to allow for Holiday sharing with one another.  Thank you JoAnne.

It is also time to elect new officers.  If you are interested in helping the club in a leadership role please let us know.  If you are a member please be sure to be there to vote for our next officers